PALMs: Perceptual and Adaptive Learning Modules
Research-proven techniques from Cognitive Science that
address training clinical pattern recognition.
Our Perceptual and Adaptive Learning Modules™ (PALMs) offer systematic ways of teaching pattern recognition, and our Perceptual-Adaptive Courseware™ (PAC) provides a transformative approach to whole courses by adaptively integrating conventional instruction with effective interactive learning.
We have developed uniquely effective learning software using perceptual and adaptive learning techniques that can be applied to almost any learning domain, based on 20 years of scientific research in laboratories at UCLA and the University of Pennsylvania.
Insight Learning Technology has been funded by the US Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, NASA, the Department of Defense, and the US Department of Education's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, and has been the subject of much press coverage, including articles by the New York Times, New Scientist magazine, and CBS News - The Early Show.
Learning to interpret signs, symptoms, and clinical test results is a central goal of medical education. Unfortunately, current didactic approaches, using books, videos, lectures, and note-taking, are not effective ways to develop these pattern-recognition skills.
Now, for the first time, highly effective and efficient systematic ways of teaching clinical pattern recognition are available:
Perceptual and Adaptive Learning Modules
Learn MoreProducts & Solutions
Cut the time and cost of learning. Fix spotty, transient, or incomplete learning.

Medical Education
Our medical students, residents, and nurse practitioners have achieved learning breakthroughs in many areas of health sciences training such as histopathology, electrophysiology, and more.
Medical Products
Math Education
We have helped numerous students efficiently increase accuracy and fluency in basic math, pre-algebra, algebra, and even the math section of the SAT. Visit our math site to learn more.
Math Products
Custom Learning
Many organizations, such as The US Department of Defense, have used our custom-built products to cut the time and cost of learning and to eliminate spotty, transient, or incomplete learning.
Learn MoreWhat People Say About PALMs
PALMs have helped many K-12 students, medical trainees and professionals develop deep understanding and automaticity with difficult subjects.
"I have been exposed to 3 or 4 ECG software programs, and the PALMs software had the cleanest interface, and presents efficient learning based on sound conceptual framework." JW, MD, Chief Resident, Ronald Reagan - UCLA Medical Center
"Results were nothing short of miraculous. At last, something that worked where traditional educational methods had failed! Even her teachers were astounded!" Parent
"The work is novel, relevant to all anaesthetists involved in training programs, and contributes valuable knowledge to educational approaches to learning TEE. This small study opens up a fascinating area for educational research, with the potential to revolutionise our traditional approaches to learning in anaesthesia." Weller, J. M. (2016). BJA, 117, 545-6.
"[By Using PALMs] the emphasis shifts from what's the answer? to how do you solve this problem? so that building thinking and problem-solving skills become more important than getting the answer." Joe Wise, Physics Teacher, New Roads School, CA
What People Say About PALMs
PALMs have helped many medical students, trainees and professionals develop deep understanding and automaticity with difficult subjects.
"This is very cool!" CK, MD, UPenn Health Sciences
"I actually did the ECG PALM last week & really liked it!" RD, MD, OHSU
"I’ve just started working on the ECG module... I think it’s a great way to learn ECG patterns." WB, MD, Jump Trading Simulation & Education Center, UICOMP
"This looks fantastic! This is absolutely what I am looking for." AF, MD, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
"I have been exposed to 3 or 4 ECG software programs, and the PALMs software had the cleanest interface, and presents efficient learning based on sound conceptual framework. I think our medicine residents would certainly benefit from it" JW, MD, Chief Resident, Ronald Reagan - UCLA Medical Center
"It's [the ECG PALM] a great tool, and reinforces pattern recognition of abnormal ECG characteristics, as well as STEMIs ... You will definitely love it!" MS, MD, Chief Resident, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
I learned EKGs using this module better than any other method in medical school... I think the PALM series is a phenomenal resource for medical students and residents alike and it differentiates itself from other learning modules by its simple but to the point presentations. It covers all the basics and gradually builds up in its level of difficulty preventing burn out and boredom. AR, MD, Intern, Ronald Reagan - UCLA Medical Center
"These modules were tremendously helpful for me. I found it very helpful to see multiple presentations of everything in order to get a broad scope and intuition for what I was learning. Additionally, the format of the program was fun and interactive, in a way that kept me engaged while pushing me to improve." DA, MS2, David Geffen School of Medicine
"I found the module to be extremely helpful. It kept me engaged while I was learning the [dermatology] morphologies rather than staring passively at pictures. I wish more of these types of modules could be incorporated into the curriculum." CB, MS2, David Geffen School of Medicine
"The game-type set up made the exercise fun" SS, MS2, David Geffen School of Medicine
"It definitely forced me to look at the 'big picture' and try to recognize [histopathologic] patterns rather than take my time and try to locate individual cells to deduce the pathology." JA, MS1, David Geffen School of Medicine
"The repetition drilled it in my head--it provided great practice. Viewing the pathologies in different forms allowed me to see the patterns." AG, MS1, David Geffen School of Medicine
"I found the number of slides useful because there is a huge amount of variation with the same condition so seeing one or two examples in class just isn't enough." DA, MS1, David Geffen School of Medicine
"This exercise really helped us learn how to recognize the different cellular pathologies (or normal) when compared to each other. Also it is very useful in defining what is normal since normal can be different." MB, MS1, David Geffen School of Medicine
"I think it was much easier to learn histopathology when it was shown with contrasting slides. It was also easier to learn by looking at a LOT of images and seeing patterns instead of talking about a small handful -- I found that I learned more in the module than in most classes." AL, MS1, David Geffen School of Medicine